Precious Memories of a young boy….

Joshua standing in front of a lake.

Big blue eyes.

Loved to swing and play on the playground.

Lion king bedding on twin beds.

Bedtime books at night, with jumping on the bed.

Many, many dinosaur books and dinosaur toys.

Driving you and Christopher to pre-school at the church.

Lots of Legos, and transformers.

Candle-smelling adventures at Bath and Body.

You and your Science projects in the woods, making volcanoes.

You so loved playing in the woods…unfortunately, poison loved you back.

Our run away from home child, that we definitely did not wish to take place.

You loved to hide from me (Walmart, Air shows), and freaked me out so much.

Making an Indian costume for school.

Making of dioramas for school projects.

Our sleep outs in the tent in the yard.

Camping at the Navy site with Joe and Waa and several other families.  Fishing.

Learning to ride your bike at Fort Detrick.

Excessive love of football jerseys and t-shirts.

Summer Adventure camps at Fort Detrick.

Family pictures with all of the grandkids on my side of the family.

Riding bikes at Fort Detrick on the running trails.

We played a lot of games through the years:  Sorry, Monopoly, Yahtzee, Mancala, Phase 10, Go Fish, 21, War, Guess Who?, Battleship…

Not always a fan of going to school (I think because you were bored).

Taking you to football practice and games, soccer practice, and Christopher’s high school soccer games. 

Some of your favorite foods:  Corn dogs, pop tarts, olive oil pasta, mint chocolate chip ice cream, freeze pops, fruit dip, ice cream cake and bagel bites, homemade hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows, (no raw broccoli)…

A bit accident prone, it seemed like we were at the Dr. often.

Back deck crazy dancing, where no one is watching.

Taking cover in the basement dungeon several times for tornado warnings.  Fortunately, no problem.

Dropping you and Nick Carr off in Martinsburg to skate on Saturday nights (something that cannot be done now).

Making tie-dye t-shirts (messy).

Dying Easter eggs (could also be messy).

Putting up the Christmas trees.

Wendy Rhodes bringing you home after crashing your bike in the neighborhood.

Cutting down our Christmas trees, before we knew Christopher was allergic.

Bumper and Blacklight bowling.

Snowman building.

You being secretive, stealthy, dressed in black, traveling the neighborhood at night with the binoculars.

Going to Fort Detrick, Martinsburg and Williamsport fireworks.  Yes, there were years we did not go too, and you were not happy with us.

Going school shopping.  You could get an entire wardrobe, Christoper would get a pair of shoes, sweatshirt and pair of jeans (all name brand, of course).

Y2K slumber party at Nannys with all of the cousins (your dad was working).

Easter egg hunts, wiffle ball and basketball games, gross eating challenges at Nanny’s house.

You and Christopher burning ants with a microscope.

Your bike rides and adventures in our neighborhood.  Yes, a few bikes were left there.

You were very good at entertaining yourself.

You playing out football games in the front yard.

Pool games and air hockey in the basement.

Me attempting to throw the football with you.

Your Birthday parties; some at the house with the Harwood boys, and at Pizza Hut. 

Your dad made you a dinosaur cake for you one year.

Basketball in the driveway, mostly HORSE.

Church at FCF.

Vacation Bible School at Fort Detrick and the church on Route 11.

Youth Group activities and friends.

Small Group at the McNamees.

Tubing and camping at Cory’s home with the youth group.

Swimming at Fort Detrick, Uncle Gary’s, the Harwood and Novinger homes.

Bowling at Fort Detrick.

Birthday pool party at Fort Detrick for Chase, Casey, Chelsea and you.

When younger, you hated wearing clothes, would undress outside at Fort Detrick.  I would look outside and see a pile of clothes.

Kind-hearted, especially to your brother.

Driving you to your friends homes in WV.

You and your dad having guy time (movies, Green Turtle dinners, DC, Fort Bedford, Lake Anna with Jeff, Antietam battlefield, Toby Mac & Skillet concert, Thanksgiving trips to visit the Walkers).

We took you, Chelsea and Greg to a Christian concert in VA (Skillet, I forget who else).

Family trip to Philadelphia to the mint, see the Liberty Bell, another rough day, lol.

Family local adventure with Stephen and getting caught in a storm/tornado.  It took trees down at Fort Detrick. 

Pets Swimmy and Jack.

Taking you, Jessie Baker and Christopher to the bus stop in the morning.

Driving you three kids to Whittier each morning after we moved to WV in 2001.

Sidewalk chalk.

Fishing at Greenbrier (you guys were bored).

Hiking at Catoctin (complaints again).

Visiting The Dowling’s and Hawkins, and living close to the Dowling’s at Fort Detrick.

Going to see “A Bugs Life” with the Dowling’s at a big mall theatre.

Going to Buffalo Wild Wings quite often.

Walking at Baker Park and around the pond at Fort Detrick.

Many Happy Meals, Taco Bell, Subway and Mexican food stops were made along the way.

McFlurry and Tads Ice Cream runs!

Now, all grown up, a wonderful son, husband and father making your own lifetime memories with your wife and family.

Joshua, you definitely are loved and special to many people, all 29 years of you.  Thank you for my lifetime of memories.

Happy Birthday Joshua Walker!

Enjoy your day!

Your dad and I love you!!

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Please stop using words like utilize and trainings, they just sound ignorant.

Just some photos from our recent visit from Jade. The morning images Later in the day Time for Trick or Treat

A retro style camera has stolen my photographer's heart.