The Presidents – revisiting photos of Mt. Rushmore

a group of presidents carved into the side of a mountain

Just a quick post to share a recent revisit to some old photos. Back in 2014(a lifetime ago), Rita and I embarked on a cross-country journey that took us to various beautiful locations, including Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota. While we had already seen some interesting landscapes as we crossed Iowa, the first “real” scenery came in South Dakota. While I have posted a lot of these on Flickr, I occasionally find a new technique, or in this case, presets, that allow me to revisit these older photos. his time it was a preset called Blvck, which desaturates the images and boosts the blacks. These images can be downloaded from Unsplash.

George and Abe are by far the most impressive, but that has more to do with the angle and recessed nature of the sculpture and my shortsighted desire to photograph the faces from a single horizontal line.

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Please stop using words like utilize and trainings, they just sound ignorant.

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